Honeybee Festival Vendor Application 2025 -

Honeybee Festival Vendor Application
May 31, 2025

LaFayette Honeybee Festival Rules & Regulations for Arts/Crafts, Food Vendors, and Business Information Booths

  1. All items sold must be handcrafted, handmade or grown by the vendor/exhibitor!
  2. Resale of wholesale items (buy/sell) IS NOT permitted and will result in immediate dismissal without refund. No manufactured, imported items will be allowed.
  3. Exhibitors/vendors may only show and sell work from the category in which they have been accepted. Management will prohibit the installation and operation of any exhibits not meeting its approval.
  4. All articles and displays must be in good taste. No obscene items will be allowed.
  5. Send Pictures! To receive consideration, send three photographs of the craft and one photo showing booth presentation. Returning vendors are not required to send photograph
  2. Exhibitors/vendors must furnish their own display tables, skirting, chairs, extension cords, tents, etc. Tent must be firmly secured in case of wind. As no staking of tents are allowed, a system such as concrete filled buckets are suggested. Vendor spot may be assigned on concrete, grass or asphalt which may or may not be level. All displays must be designed, constructed and operated in good taste.
  3. Our standard electricity is limited to no more than 20 amps per booth. Any special requirements must be approved prior to the event and additional charges will apply. Vendors may be required to provide an adapter to meet their connection needs. Vendor/exhibitor must provide their own 100 foot, heavy-duty, 12 gauge (minimum) extension cord if power is needed. Electricity is a paid amenity and is limited to those who specifically need it to demonstrate their craft, food production or other necessary functions.
  4. All displays, transactions, signage, and activities must be confined to exhibitor/vendor’s assigned space. Signs, tents, canopies, or any other part or display may not extend over your assigned area.
  5. All booths must be set up and manned by 8:30 a.m. on the morning of the festival.
  6. All vehicles must be removed from the festival area by 8:30 a.m.. Vehicles may not be brought into festival area during festival times. Vendors choosing to close before 5:00 p.m. will not be able to drive their vehicles into the vendor area. Everything must be walked or carted out to your vehicle. Failure to comply could jeopardize acceptance to future events.
  7. Only official festival motorized carts and emergency vehicles will be allowed within the festival grounds.
  8. If you have to restock from your trailer or vehicle during the festival hours, please be prepared to do so yourself.
  9. Booths will be allowed to breakdown between the hours of 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM, or after the main concert event concludes. You must designate your choice on your application as this determines your placement.
  10. Water is not provided and is not available on site.
  11. Honeybee Festival Logo is trademarked and may not be used without written authorization from the City of LaFayette.
  1. All city ordinances apply for this event. Violation of any of these rules and/or city ordinances may result in immediate removal from the premises.
  1. Applications must be approved before being accepted as a vendor at the festival. If selected, applicants will receive an approval email along with a link to complete the agreement and payment process.
  2. Mailed in applications should include full payment. If you are not accepted, checks will be returned to you. We will not be requiring a deposit this year, however please remember if your area is not properly maintained it could affect your chances of being accepted as a return vendor. A canceled check does not indicate acceptance.
  3. Jury decisions are based on photographs and information provided on the application as well as items being sold and previous history with the festival.
  4. Food vendors must send an itemized list of ALL food items they wish to sell along with their application. Food items NOT listed on application will be prohibited.
  5. Food vendors are accepted on a limited basis. A limit is placed on duplicate items sold by multiple vendors. Duplicate vendors will be separated as much as possible but no one will be relocated if this does not occur.


  1. Festival rules apply to Business Info Booths.
  2. We will be allowing a limited number of booths for local businesses to display information about their business.
  3. Eligible businesses must have a store front business located within the City of LaFayette or Walker County.
  4. Sales of any sort will not be allowed. Food and/or drinks are not allowed to be handed out from business booths. Items such as hand fans, or other ad items may be handed out.
  5. Booths are for display only. Business may also choose a sponsorship level to be recognized throughout the festival.
  6. Businesses will be chosen based on available booths spaces, order of registration, and location of business.
  7. Electricity is NOT AVAILABLE for Business Info Booths.
A signed application constitutes a contract to follow all rules and regulations. It is a contract to participate, personally, if accepted. Any exhibitor not abiding by these rules set by the LaFayette Honeybee Festival will forfeit their privilege to participate in the current and future festivals.


Single Booth Double Booth Triple Booth 110V/20A Electricity 110V/30A Electricity 220V/50A Electricity
Arts/Crafts Vendors $60 $120 N/A $25 N/A N/A
Food Vendors $200 $375 $550 $50 $75 $100
Business Information Booth $500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Registration Information
Business, Organization, or Individual Name *
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Email *
Vendor Type *
Description of Items to be sold ("chicken" or "woodcraft" does not give enough information) Food Vendors must include a menu with prices.
Business Information booths may not sell from their booths but may hand out promotional items about their company.
Description of items to be sold. *
Craft Vendors; Send Pictures! To receive consideration, send three photographs of the craft and one photo showing booth presentation.
Food Vendors; If you have a menu that can be uploaded, please do so here.
Returning vendors are not required to send photographs.
Picture Upload
Picture Upload
Picture Upload
Picture Upload
List two festivals in which you participated in the last 18 months. *
Did you participate last year? *
If you have a Food Trailer or Truck, what is the overall length including tongue?
If Truck or Trailer, which side do you serve out of?
Vendors are given the opportunity to leave at 6:00 PM rather than staying until the end of the concert which is about 11:00 PM. 
This choice will be used to place vendors in a location that will be easy for them to leave without affecting the rest of the event.
If you leave earlier than your committed time, you are jeopardizing your chances of being accepted in the future.

Will you leave at 6:00 p.m. or stay for the concert? *
Vendor Booth Request *
Electricity Request *
110V / 20Amp   110V / 30Amp 220V / 50Amp
I hereby acknowledge and understand that Generators are Not Allowed to be used by vendors at this event. *
I acknowledge and understand Generators are not allowed.
Special Request
If I am selected to be an exhibitor for the 2025 LaFayette Honeybee Festival, in consideration of my selection, I release and hold harmless and indemnify the City of LaFayette, its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, servants and volunteers, from any and all liability, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injury and property damage in connection with the festival, which is caused by me and my agents, servants and employees. By signature below I confirm that I have read and understand all rules and regulations set forth by the LaFayette Honeybee Festival and that I will comply with all rules and regulations.
Signature *

Review your signature

Draw your signature