Honeybee Festival Beauty Pageant 2025 -
17/Jun/2024 12:33
17/May/2025 17:00

Honeybee Festival
Beauty Pageant Application
May 30, 2025

Hosted by LaFayette High School Cheerleaders

LaFayette High School Auditorium
Friday, May 30, 2025—5:00 pm
Deadline for registration is May 1: ($60)

We are excited to host the Miss Honeybee Beauty Pageant.  The pageant is sponsored by the LaFayette High School Cheerleaders.  Money raised from this event will help support the cheerleading program at LaFayette High School.  Please read the following information carefully. 


There are no eligibility requirements or restrictions for pageant entry.

Pageant Age Groups

Baby Miss Honeybee  0-11 months
Wee Miss Honeybee 12 months-35 months (1-2 years)
Tiny Miss Honeybee  3-4 years
Little Miss Honeybee  5-6 years
Petite Miss Honeybee  7-8 years
Young Miss Honeybee  9-10 years
Pre-Teen Miss Honeybee  11-12 years
Junior Miss Honeybee  13-14 years
Teen Miss Honeybee  15-16 years
Queen Honeybee  50 years and over

* Age groups are subject to be combined or split if entries are too low or too large for each division.

Entry Fees

The entry fee is $60 per entry.  The deadline to enter is May 1. Registration is online at myhoneybeefestival.com or you can mail the application and entry fee to:

Honeybee Beauty Pageant
C/O LaFayette High School
100 Rambler Drive
LaFayette, GA 30728

There will be no refunds once you pay the entry fee, regardless of circumstances. 

In each age group, there will be a winner, 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, and princesses.  All contestants will receive a crown.  Additional categories will be prettiest hair, prettiest smile, and prettiest dress.  Winners of these categories will be awarded with a medal.  Winners of each category will receive a crown and sash.  Winners of each category are invited to be presented on the main stage of the festival on Saturday, June 1st.  Winners should wear their sash and crown on Saturday.  Further details will be given after the pageant. 

There will be an informal practice on Thursday, May 29, 2025 5:00 pm-6:30 pm.  Contestants are encouraged to come during the practice time to practice walking the stage.  (You may want to bring the shoes you are wearing for the pageant to practice in.) 

Dress for the pageant is summer sun dress.  No formal gowns will be allowed.  Each contestant should wear a summer sun dress of your choice.  Dresses that show the abdomen are not allowed. 

Pageant Day
The pageant will begin at 5:00 pm on Friday evening. Contestants should arrive by 4:30. The entrance will be in the back of LaFayette High School.  Contestants should check in directly pass the entrance gate.  One person will be allowed at check in with the contestant.  At check in you will receive your number and further instructions.  There will be dressing rooms available.  Contestants in Baby, Wee, and Tiny Miss will need an escort on stage.  All other category contestants will have guidance from LHS cheerleaders.

We are very excited that you will be participating in the Miss Honeybee Beauty Pageant.  The registration form is below.  Please complete and return by the deadline date.  Please feel free to contact Nicole Harris with any questions you may have.  nicoleharris@walkerschools.org

Registration Information
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Participant Information
Announcer will read the following information the night of the pageant.
Escort Name *
Contestant Name *
Age *
Grade *
School *
Hobbies and extracurricular activities *
Awards/recognitions *
Category *
If I am selected to be an competitor for the 2025 LaFayette Honeybee Festival, in consideration of my selection, I release and hold harmless and indemnify the City of LaFayette, its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, servants and volunteers, from any and all liability, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injury and property damage in connection with the festival, which is caused by me and my agents, servants and employees. By signature below I confirm that I have read and understand all rules and regulations set forth by the LaFayette Honeybee Festival and that I will comply with all rules and regulations.
Parent/Guardian Signature *

Review your signature

Draw your signature